I have carefully measured the speed of the Schedule and Search routines on my LCIII 4/80, and provided the data below. I am aware of no competitor that even offers these features:
• Search speeds (5.03c):
Normal Speed
Days searched per minute: Between 220 and 640, or between 600 and 2070 (Unstoppable mode)
10 years searched in: Between 5mins 40s and 16mins 30s, or between 1min 45s and 6mins (Unstoppable mode)
Extra Speed
Days searched per minute: Between 500 and 1200, or between 2200 and 6100 (Unstoppable mode)
10 years searched in: Between 3mins and 7mins 20s, or between 36 seconds and 1 min 40s (Unstoppable mode)
Extra speed is, in general, twice as fast as Normal speed. Unstoppable Mode usually increases speed by 300-500%!
• Schedule speed (5.01c):
With Interpretations around 3400 days saved per minute, 57 per second.
size 244 bytes per day, approx 87K for a whole year.
No Interpretations around 7000 days saved per minute, 116 per second.
size 78 bytes per day, approx 28K for a whole year.